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           Client experiences driving product development

Jim Courtwood
Author of the Time & Attendance Consultant Guides series.

Our Clients experience with our products is the driving force behind product innovation, implementation strategies and support features.

Our job as product providers is to deliver the best possible experience from the initial sales inquiry, and throughout the many years the client will own and use one of our time clock products. This doesn’t mean of course that there will not be any issues along the way, but the minimisation and timely remediation of those issues is the core mission of our support team.

With this in mind, the approach taken by our support staff is to assume that any support request raised by a client should be treated as one that other clients may be experiencing or could experience in the future. This applies to implementation, training, product features and support requests.

This strategy means that a process of constant improvement driven by client experience and expectations is at the heart of our operational methodology.
Regarding client benefits, this has resulted in some significant changes to the way many of our products are implemented and supported. Here are some examples of the changes.

CS Time Clocks

•    Automatic data backup.
•    Time Zone, DST sync.
•    Automatic firmware version updates
•    Turnkey implementation – We pre-configure employees and attendance rules before dispatch.
•    Self-maintenance procedures.
•    Free access to offsite backup.
•    Multiple overtime categories.
•    Multiple clock replication features.
•    Password recovery service.
•    Expanded documentation and video training.
•    Hardware loan units.

 CS Time & Attendance Software

•    All software version upgrades included in annual support.
•    Managed implementation services.
•    The inclusion of “reasonable use”non-product related IT assistance policy.
•    Free access to off-site backup storage
•    Password recovery service.
•    Re-installation service.
•    Expanded documentation and video training.

If you have any questions regarding these services contact us on 1300 553 254 or by emailing