Jim Courtwood
Author of the Time & Attendance Consultant's Guide Series

I recently spoke to a friend in the mobile phone industry about the extraordinary number of phones and plans she sold in the last 12 months. She works primarily in contract renewals, and according to her, fifty per cent of phones are upgraded after three years. I compared  this, of course, to my own business, where one of our product lines are stand-alone entry-level time clocks. 

These time clocks much easier (and less costly) to implement than software dependent time clocks but they do carry a higher price tag. This is the article that came out of conversation.

The Reluctance to Invest in Premium Technologies:  A Stark Contrast to Business Executives’ iPhone Replacements.

In today's fast-paced business world, technology plays a critical role in maintaining efficiency and productivity. Yet, an intriguing dichotomy exists: while many businesses hesitate to invest in premium employee time clocks that could streamline operations and ensure accurate attendance tracking, business executives seem to replace their iPhones with relative ease and regularity. 

The Investment in Employee Time Clocks 
Employee time clocks are essential tools for monitoring attendance, reducing time theft, and ensuring compliance with labor laws. A premium standalone employee time clock costs approximately $1,949 plus GST—a significant investment, but one that promises to deliver substantial long-term benefits. Despite these advantages, many businesses are reluctant to make this investment. The reasons for this hesitation are multifaceted. 

Firstly, the upfront cost of nearly $2,000 is perceived as a substantial expense, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with limited budgets. Secondly, there is often a lack of awareness about the long-term savings and efficiency gains that such an investment can bring. Finally, some businesses may be wary of the technological integration required, fearing disruption during the implementation phase.

The Ease of iPhone Replacements
In stark contrast, business executives frequently replace their iPhones every three years, a practice that has become almost habitual. Over a decade, this replacement cycle results in a total cost of approximately $8,400 per executive—a figure that far exceeds the one-time investment in a premium time clock.

 The willingness to spend on iPhones can be attributed to several factors. iPhones are seen as indispensable tools that enhance productivity, facilitate communication, and project a modern, professional image. The frequent updates and advancements in technology make newer models attractive, and the cost, often spread over a monthly plan, seems more manageable than a single, large upfront payment. 

The Underlying Irony 
The irony lies in the fact that while executives readily invest in personal technology, they are often hesitant to allocate funds for tools that benefit the entire organization. This reluctance is short-sighted, as the cost of an employee time clock is a one-time expense that offers long-term returns through improved efficiency and accurate timekeeping. In contrast, the recurring expense of iPhone replacements provides individual benefits but does not directly enhance organizational productivity. 

The Path Forward
To bridge this gap, businesses need to reassess their priorities and recognize the value of investing in technology that benefits the entire workforce. Educating decision-makers about the long-term advantages of premium time clocks is crucial. These devices not only ensure accurate attendance tracking but also reduce administrative burdens, prevent time theft, and enhance overall operational efficiency. 

Moreover, businesses should consider the total cost of ownership and the return on investment (ROI) when making purchasing decisions. A premium time clock, with its one-time cost, offers a higher ROI compared to the recurring expenses of replacing personal devices like iPhones. 

In conclusion, the apparent reluctance to invest in premium employee time clocks, juxtaposed with the ease of replacing iPhones, highlights a need for a shift in business spending priorities. By recognizing the long-term benefits and substantial ROI of time clocks, businesses can make more informed decisions that enhance overall productivity and operational efficiency. It's time for business leaders to balance their investments in personal and organizational technology, ensuring that both serve to drive the company forward.

Jim Courtwood

Time & Attendance Consultant


1300 553 254

0437 772 977